OCR 01 - Roles & Responsibilities of the Offshore Client Representative
This course fast-tracks newcomers in the renewables industry for junior OCR team roles.
Personal Functionality – How you contribute to the project
The key roles of an Offshore Client Representative
How you will be monitoring operations
Experience, Knowledge & Self Belief
Onshore & Offshore functions
The main tools you will use to do your job
Administration required
Active & Passive roles
Course Aims
Our Survey Before You Begin
Instructor Biography
A Message from Your Instructor
Module Introduction
Glossary and Abbreviations
OCR Key Role
Interview with the OCR
Your Own Tool Box
Eyes and Ears
Levels of Experience
Self Belief Vs. Actual Knowledge
Project Stages That Involve an OCR
Pre-contract Requirement & Invitation to Tender
Everyday Functions Aboard the Vessel
Vessel Mobilisation
Vessel and Equipment Sea Trials
Monitoring Offshore Construction
Post Construction Tasks
How Many OCRs on a Vessel?
End of Cruise Reports
End of Project Report
Active Management Role for the OCR
Test Your Knowledge