In this module we will cover:

  • Who you are and what you represent at the work site

  • Loyalty and confidentiality

  • Team integration

  • Various issues with social media at the work site

  • Personal behaviour aboard the vessel and ashore

  • Gifts and favours

  • Compliance with drugs and alcohol policies

  • Setting good personal standards

Course curriculum

    1. A Message from Your Instructor

    2. Glossary and Abbreviations

    1. Who Are You?

    2. Working Hours

    3. Team Integration

    4. Loyalty & Confidentiality

    5. Social Media

    1. Behaviour Aboard the Vessel

    2. Gift & Favors

    3. Drugs & Alcohol

    4. A Few Tips

    1. Summary

    2. Module Quiz

    3. A Message from Your Instructor

    4. Module Sources

About this course

  • 15 lessons