In this module we will cover:

  • Submarine Cable Law

  • Cable vulnerability

  • Compliance with the Law of the Sea

  • Ownership of the seabed

  • The responsibilities of the developer and operator

  • Preservation of the environment

  • Preservation of historic artefacts

  • Rapid changes in environmental protection laws

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Glossary and Abbreviations

    3. Specific Submarine Cable Law

    4. Interconnectors

    5. Submarine Cables & ICPC

    6. Submarine Cable Map 2019

    7. Law Applicable to Offshore Renewable Energy Cables

    8. Practical Measures to Comply with Law of the Sea

    9. Chapter Summary

    10. A Message from Your Instructor

    11. Chapter 1 - Quiz

    1. Ownership of the Seabed

    2. Responsibilities of the Developer and Operator

    3. A Message from Your Instructor

    4. Chapter 2 - Quiz

    1. A Message from Your Instructor

    2. Introduction

    3. Preservation of the Environment

    4. Preservation of Historic Artifacts

    5. Rapid Change

    1. A Message from Your Instructor

    2. Chapter 3 - Quiz

    3. Module Sources

About this course

  • 23 lessons