OCR 12 - Cables, Seabed & Environment Law
In this course, we will discuss the law of the sea and submarine cables.
Submarine Cable Law
Cable vulnerability
Compliance with the Law of the Sea
Ownership of the seabed
The responsibilities of the developer and operator
Preservation of the environment
Preservation of historic artefacts
Rapid changes in environmental protection laws
Glossary and Abbreviations
Specific Submarine Cable Law
Submarine Cables & ICPC
Submarine Cable Map 2019
Law applicable to Offshore Renewable Energy Cables
Practical Measures to Comply with Law of the Sea
Chapter Summary
A Message from your Instructor
Chapter 1 - Quiz
Ownership of the Seabed
Responsibilities of the Developer and Operator
A Message from your Instructor
Chapter 2 - Quiz
A message from your Instructor
Preservation of the Environment
Preservation of Historic Artifacts
Rapid Change
A Message from your Instructor
Chapter 3 - Quiz
Module Sources