In this module we will cover:

  • Legislation developed from offshore accidents

  • Importance of Health and Safety Law at the worksite

  • How incidents can develop into disasters

  • Common offshore accidents and their prevention

  • Practical safety aboard vessels

  • Importance of identifying risks

Course curriculum

    1. A Message from Your Instructor

    2. Glossary

    1. Offshore Safety Legislation

    2. Piper Alpha Legacy

    3. From Incident to Disaster

    1. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

    2. Falling Into the Water

    3. MOB Detection and Recovery

    4. Personnel Rescue

    5. Trips, Slips and Fall Hazards

    6. Guard Rails and Spill Prevention

    7. Deck Refuges

    8. Emergency Escapes

    9. Wire and Rope Hazards

    10. Entrapment and Escape Routes

    11. Injury from Released Energy

    12. Rope Coil Hazards

    13. Uncontrolled Energy Release

    14. Risk of Electrocution

    15. Petroleum Gas Explosion

    1. A Recent UXO Detonation Beneath a Fishing Vessel

    2. Crew Injuries

    3. Guidelines for Dealing with Explosives Picked up at Sea

    4. Risk Awareness

    5. Full Galwad-Y-Mor Report (January 2022)

    1. A Message from Your Instructor

    2. Module Quiz

    3. Module Sources

About this course

  • 28 lessons