Course curriculum

    1. Module Introduction

    2. Instructor Biographies

    3. Glossary

    1. Introduction

    2. Claims & Their Common Causes

    3. Who Are the Parties Involved in a Claim?

    4. Key Elements of a Claim

    5. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Introduction

    2. Typical Steps & Stages in the Claims Process

    3. Introduction to the FIDIC Process

    4. FIDIC Process: Employer’s Claims

    5. FIDIC Process: Contractor’s Claims

    6. Claims Register Template

    7. Test Your Knowledge

    8. Claims Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. What Is a Dispute?

    3. Dispute Resolution: Through Litigation

    4. Dispute Resolution: Through Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques

    5. Dispute Resolution in Offshore Wind Farm Projects

    6. Test Your Knowledge

    7. Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. Complete, Relevant & Unambiguous Contract Documents

    3. The Role & Impact of the Team Members in a Project

    4. Proper Documentation & Proactive Contract Management

    5. Use of Dispute Avoidance Adjudication Board

    6. The RCM’s Role in Dispute Resolution

    7. Test Your Knowledge

    1. Module Conclusion

    2. Module Sources

    3. Module Test

About this course

  • 33 lessons