RCM 10 - Claims & Disputes
In this module, we explore two vital aspects of contract management: claims and disputes.
Module Introduction
Instructor Biographies
Claims & Their Common Causes
Who Are the Parties Involved in a Claim?
Key Elements of a Claim
Test Your Knowledge
Typical Steps & Stages in the Claims Process
Introduction to the FIDIC Process
FIDIC Process: Employer’s Claims
FIDIC Process: Contractor’s Claims
Claims Register Template
Test Your Knowledge
Claims Conclusion
What Is a Dispute?
Dispute Resolution: Through Litigation
Dispute Resolution: Through Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques
Dispute Resolution in Offshore Wind Farm Projects
Test Your Knowledge
Complete, Relevant & Unambiguous Contract Documents
The Role & Impact of the Team Members in a Project
Proper Documentation & Proactive Contract Management
Use of Dispute Avoidance Adjudication Board
The RCM’s Role in Dispute Resolution
Test Your Knowledge
Module Conclusion
Module Sources
Module Test