The Renewable Procurement Manager (RPM)

Join the first industry recognised education programme for Renewable Procurement Managers

The RPM education offers a “one-stop-shop” for procurement professionals looking to refresh or learn how to create a project analysis from a procurement perspective, develop and implement procurement strategies, as well gain an in-depth understanding of how to conduct procurement processes. Practical examples, case studies, and tools are primarily from in the offshore wind industry and form the basis of this Education.

  • Topic: Renewable Procurement Manager - RECOA Fundamental Education

  • Estimated study time: 14 week programme - 45 hours of self paced studies + assignments

  • Price: 3.950 € total

  • Language: English

  • Instructors:
    JUMBO Consulting Group
    Ninna Ipsen - Senior Director of Procurement Management
    Morten Søjborg - CEO and Founding Partner

RECOA RPM Fundamental Education

The following modules are included

The RPM education is for you if you can say yes to one of the following...

  • I have a desire to work in the renewable energy industry

  • I have been in similar roles in the oil and gas industry

  • I am a graduate and want to start my renewable energy industry career

  • I am a professional with several years of practical experience in the industry and want to refresh or add to my professional, technical, and theoretical knowledge

Your Instructors

Senior Instructor & Academy Partner, JUMBO Consulting Group Morten Søjborg

Morten Søjborg is an experienced offshore wind professional, having worked in the industry for more than 15 years. His educational background is in economics and law, and his career spans working as in-house and external counsel for both project developers and contractors, as well as acting as a procurement consultant and lead negotiator for multiple offshore wind projects. He has represented contractors, such as MT Højgaard and Vestas Offshore, and project developers, such as Ørsted and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, to name a few. Morten is also a co-founder and partner in the international procurement and contract management consultancy, JUMBO Consulting Group. Morten knows the ins and outs of the procurement and contracting process within offshore wind, and as an instructor, he aims to pass this knowledge on to students in a structured way. Morten's classes enable students to see procurement and contracting from the viewpoints of both project developers and the supply chain, as he strongly believes that successful projects result from a high degree of alignment and understanding between the parties regarding their roles, expectations, and obligations.

Senior Instructor & Academy Partner, JUMBO Consulting Group Ninna Ipsen

Ninna is a senior director with over 15 years of experience in strategic sourcing, supply chain development, supply chain management, and building a long-term sustainable supply chain. Ninna has wide cross-scope knowledge of developing complex global sourcing strategies, making and negotiating supplier contracts, and focusing on all commercial areas within offshore wind technical packages, such as WTGs, cables, foundations, substations, onshore civil engineering works, and all offshore installation areas. Ninna has played a role in the transformation of Ørsted’s oil and gas operations to a company driven by renewable energy and is currently employed by JUMBO Consulting Group as a Senior Director and Head of Procurement Management. She is passionate about creating a world that runs entirely on green energy, achieving climate targets in green heavy industry, and leveraging capabilities across businesses and supply chains. To support this goal, Ninna hopes to pass her knowledge on to her students in support of the green transition.

Learning Goals

  • Ability to perform a basic Project Analysis

  • Ability to develop and implement a Procurement Strategy

  • Ability to conduct Procurement Processes

The Renewable Procurement Manager

plays a key role in a project delivery organisation.

The RPM manages the procurement process from cradle to grave. This education will provide you with a deep understanding of the procurement processes within the industry, and will provide you with the procurement manual of how to work in a structured and uniform way. This education has a focus on the offshore wind industry and includes case studies, tools, practical and real-life examples from the offshore wind industry; however, the knowledge you obtain from this education can be transferred to other technologies within the renewable energy industry. 

This education is broken down into 15 modules where each module represents approximately 180 minutes of study.

Learning Outcomes:

  • You will have the ability to create a fit for purpose and therefore successful procurement strategy

  • You will have the ability to conduct a procurement process in a project within the renewables energy industry using the necessary tools

  • You will have learned the procurement manual of how to work in a structured and uniform way

  • You will have learned how to work efficiently, effectively and make a value add contribution to your team

  • You will have learned to identify your role and work within a (large) project organization

  • You will have learned practical compliance and governance

  • You will have learned how to support or lead a procurement project to be successful

  • You will have the ability to identify your internal and external stakeholders in a successful procurement process


The various sections of the education broadly cover: 

Part I Introduction to Procurement Management & Project Analysis

- Introduction to Procurement in the Renewable Energy Industry including How to Buy an Offshore Windfarm and the RECOA Procurement Model

- Roles and Responsibilities, Organisational Structures, Internal & External Stakeholders, Project Governance and Deliverables & Reporting 

- Project Analysis I: Project Success Criteria, Business Case Drivers, and Regulatory Requirements

- Project Analysis II: Programme Analysis, Risks & Opportunities, Project & Scope Interface Analysis and Financing

- Supply Chain Analysis including Market Players, the Supply Chain Analysis Model, Capacity & Capability, and Market Trends

PART II Strategy

- Project Procurement Strategy including Concepts, Procurement Quilt, and Procurement Strategy Recommendation

- Procurement Process, including types of, Competitive Tendering, Direct Invitation, Direct Award

- Contract Procurement Strategy I: Understanding your Scope, Assumptions & Risk, Success Criteria, Budget & Timeline

- Contract Procurement Strategy II: Planning the Procurement Process, Developing Evaluation Models & Criteria, Deliverables & Gates

PART III Procurement

- Contract Fundamentals, Forms of Contracts Used, Key Terms & Conditions, Obligations Split

- Development and Issue of ITT including ITT Structures, Legal and Commercial Requirements, Technical Requirements, and Issue of the ITT

- Negotiations including Market Dialogue & Pre-Qualification, Preparation & Tools, The Rules and Roles of Engagement, Choosing your Battles 

- Evaluation of Bids including Reviewing Proposals, Comparing and Scoring Proposals, Shorlist Gate, and Application of the Evaluation Models

 - Award and Contract Signing including Award Gate, Contract Signing Tips & Tricks, and Handover to Contract Management

The education material includes:

  • Video

    In some of the videos the instructor will talk directly to you. In other videos you will be presented with relevant material while the instructor speaks in the background.

  • Illustrations

    Photographs are used to illustrate important parts of the education process. They will help you to visualise and identify the subjects presented by the instructor.

  • Audio

    An audio sound track together with text subtitles is provided for most modules. You have the option to hear or read the content of each module.

  • Text

    Some lessons are presented as text. Many of these are accompanied by pictures or videos. You also have the option to listen to the text lessons as an audio presentation.

  • Graphics

    The graphics that appear in the lessons are carefully selected to support the education material. A complex operation is often better represented as an animated graphic than as a verbal or text description.

  • Downloadable content

    Some of the learning material in this education will be downloadable. By downloading the material it become easier to access it, even when you are offline.

About our Academy Partner
JUMBO Consulting Group is a specialized advisory firm with extensive experience in delivering strategic services and project consultancy for offshore wind, offshore transmission systems, and energy island projects. We support the entire project lifecycle, from early development and procurement to construction and operations & maintenance (O&M).

Our expertise lies in providing tailored contractual and commercial solutions across core disciplines, including development services, supply chain optimization, procurement, contract management, and strategic advisory.

Our philosophy is simple yet impactful:

Global reach, local presence: We combine international expertise with on-the-ground support.

Simplifying complexity: We make challenging projects straightforward and efficient for our clients.

Partnership approach: We prioritize collaboration to maximize value for our customers.

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